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The hot wind flowed over the edge of a vast arena. The cheers and jeers of gods and goddesses beat like drums in the distance.

To Jonna’s right, the Shade of Death stood erect, his scythe at ease across his shoulder. To Jonna’s left, Ryujin, the Guardian of Dead, held an oriental curved dagger in his left hand. At an equal distance, the three formed a triangle in the center of the vast sandy field. The wind stirred the dust in small swirls. It reminded Jonna of the tornado that had torn up the land of Amna Os Carra when he and Aruka, the woman/deer shapechanger, had escaped. Of course, the land of Amna Os Carra seemed so long ago.

The announcer’s voice reverberated across the structure. “And now, for your entertainment pleasure, Jonna McCambel, a.k.a. Xun Ove, will face down death itself!”


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