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The Wall Outside

The Wall Outside
The Xun Ove Series Book 1
Step Across The Barrier

Step across the barrier and what will you find?
A place of magic just out of sight?
A pixie, a leprechaun, or even a sprite?

What starts as a vacation, turns into a mess. For Jonna, there's more at stake than meets the eye. Through pouring rain,misdirection, and a curious mind, Jonna crossed the barrier between our world and magic.

Now forced to return across the barrier, Jonna battles Dark Mages, angry leprechauns, and a ruthless Minotaur,all in an effort to find his wife. To do this, he must locate the stolen Rune Blade and rescue a beautiful elvish princess.

But what can a human do when faced with a world of magic?


If you would like to see some books, click on one of the following websites:

Digital and Print
The Wall Outside - On Amazon US
The Wall Outside - On Amazon UK

Partition Majik Bk2 Vol1 of 2

Partition Majik Bk2 Vol1 of 2
Xun Ove Series Book 2

Fatherhood in the making?
If only that was all!

Step across the barrier and what will you find?
A place of magic just out of sight?
A pixie, a leprechaun, or even a sprite?

The giant's defeated, and all seems so calm
Until Dagda brings grievance to take Jonna along.
Condemned to a sentence with the key thrown away,
What havoc is Jonna determined to play?

For Jonna,
Staring down dark mages, evil spirits, and more
Is only a part of the magic in store.
So grab up this book that you'll find with delight
Will take you to places that thrill and excite.

But what can a human do when faced with a world of magic?


If you would like to see some books, click on one of the following websites:

Digital and Print
Partition Majik Bk2 Vol1 of 2- On Amazon US
Partition Majik Bk2 Vol1 of 2- On Amazon UK

Partition Majik Bk2 Vol2 of 2

Partition Majik Bk2 Vol2 of 2
Xun Ove Series Book 2

Fatherhood in the making?
If only that was all!

Step across the barrier and what will you find?
A place of magic just out of sight?
A pixie, a leprechaun, or even a sprite?

The giant's defeated, and all seems so calm
Until Dagda brings grievance to take Jonna along.
Condemned to a sentence with the key thrown away,
What havoc is Jonna determined to play?

For Jonna,
Staring down dark mages, evil spirits, and more
Is only a part of the magic in store.
So grab up this book that you'll find with delight
Will take you to places that thrill and excite.

But what can a human do when faced with a world of magic?


If you would like to see some books, click on one of the following websites:

Digital and Print
Partition Majik bk2 vol2 of 2 - On Amazon US
Partition Majik bk2 vol2 of 2 - On Amazon UK

Twisted Fates

Book3 Xun Ove Series
Step Across the Barrier

Moonlight streamed through the window as a song woke him. Though Elfleda snuggled against him, her rhythmic breathing did not create the sound. Where only the wind should rustle through the leaves, the music floated almost out of hearing.

Wake, my hero. Come to me in a time of flight and fancy free. Open up the gates that swing, and know that you have begot four kings.

His head turned to the right; Bob the Pixie, his trickster friend, snored lightly in the corner. The pixie rested on a dresser in a small bed Elfleda had made . If Elfleda and Bob were not responsible, who in the world messed with his dreams?

A baby's cry met his ears; its voice lay far in the distance. A claw touched his cheek. He jerked to the left and gazed at a black raven that hovered mere inches above his face. It stared at him with knowing eyes, cawed, and took flight.


If you would like to see some books, click on one of the following websites:

Kindle Edition
Twisted Fates Amazon.com
Twisted Fates Amazon.co.uk

Print Edition
Twisted Fates Amazon.com
Twisted Fates Amazon.co.uk

Barnes and Noble
Coming Soon! Twisted Fates


Tainted Soul

The wind whistled by him. His breath came in puffs of steam. Snowflakes fell around him as they coated everything in white and reflected the full moon's glow.

Jonna leaped to the top of a white coated log. While his lungs labored in the winter air, his legs stretched with each bound. Snow spilled down. However, despite the cold, his digits remained warm. He raced into the upper reaches of a tree and paused on a small plateau.

The voice of Lord Conall echoed through the forest behind him. You owe me. The debt must be paid.

Below him, through the underbrush, two stone altars caught his attention. On one lay an elvish woman. On the other lay a human female. Both were strapped with leather ties. Neither appeared conscious. A runic dagger hovered between them.

Owe you what? Jonna challenged into the wind.

The voice changed from male to female as Esti, a vulkodlak, answered, Run, Jonna, run!

This is the fourth book in the Xun Ove series. Inside you'll find elves, pixies, vulkodlaks, nixies, humans and more. If you have never read the series, check out the first book, 'The Wall Outside'.


If you would like to see some books, click on one of the following websites:

Kindle Edition
Tainted Soul Amazon.com
Tainted Soul Amazon.co.uk

Print Edition
Tainted Soul Amazon.com
Tainted Soul Amazon.co.uk


The Vulkodlak Curse

The Vulkodlak Curse
The Xun Ove Series Book 5
Step Across The Barrier

. . . 'It can only mean one thing.” Dorothy trembled. “The skeleton warriors will rise again . . .” Bob the pixie opened the ancient book, ran a finger down the page, and read, “Vulkodlak: a werewolf/vampire cursed by the gods, an abomination of evil, fit only to guard the valley of Ylva.” He swallowed, glancing up at the forest of the woodland elves. It had grown so quiet that not even a leaf rustled in the wind. “Jonna is really in trouble this time . . .”

But what can a human do when faced with a world of magic?

The Xun Ove series: The Wall Outside, Partition Majik, Twisted Fates, Tainted Soul, and The Vulkodlak Curse.

Soon to be out: The Unicorn Twist.

What fans say about the Xun Ove series:

. . . the best story ever . . .

. . . I love the author’s writing style and the world
he has created . . .

This author’s voice shines as he writes of Jonna . . .


If you would like to see some books, click on one of the following websites:

Digital and Print
The Vulkodlak Curse - On Amazon US
The Vulkodlak Curse - On Amazon UK

The Unicorn Twist

Jonna gets caught in a web of deceit thrown back in an effort to cause Ryujin’s defeat. By victory or loss, Jonna’s end does seem sealed if he cannot slip free from death’s far-reaching chill.

From Leatho to Ajitasha to Minawati and more, a dip in the sea and islands in store, saving the ones we think we should not, may be the only way for Jonna not to be bought.

But what can a human do when faced with a world of magic? The Xun Ove series begins with The Wall Outside and proceeds with Partition Majik, Twisted Fates, Tainted Soul, The Vulkodlak Curse, The Unicorn Twist, and When Gods Die.


If you would like to see some books, click on one of the following websites:

Digital and Print
The Unicorn Twist - On Amazon US Print
The Unicorn Twist - On Amazon US Digital
The Unicorn Twist - On Amazon UK Print
The Unicorn Twist - On Amazon UK Digital

When Gods Die

The hot wind flowed over the edge of a vast arena. The cheers and jeers of gods and goddesses beat like drums in the distance.

To Jonna’s right, the Shade of Death stood erect, his scythe at ease across his shoulder. To Jonna’s left, Ryujin, the Guardian of Dead, held an oriental curved dagger in his left hand. At an equal distance, the three formed a triangle in the center of the vast sandy field. The wind stirred the dust in small swirls. It reminded Jonna of the tornado that had torn up the land of Amna Os Carra when he and Aruka, the woman/deer shapechanger, had escaped. Of course, the land of Amna Os Carra seemed so long ago.

The announcer’s voice reverberated across the structure. “And now, for your entertainment pleasure, Jonna McCambel, a.k.a. Xun Ove, will face down death itself!”


If you would like to see some books, click on one of the following websites:

Digital and Print
When Gods Die - On Amazon US Print
When Gods Die - On Amazon US Digital
When Gods Die - On Amazon UK Print
When Gods Die - On Amazon UK Digital

Calla Portal Walker

Calla, White Flower Beside The Marsh, has her own unique understanding of love and courtship. She meets Jonna McCambel in the 7th book of the Xun Ove Series and knows they are meant to be together.

Separated and desperate to save him from death, Calla is swept into the dark depths of a devious world she never considered. Can she survive to help Jonna before it is too late? Can she remember who she truly is?

This book deals with the hard concepts of abduction, slavery, mind-altering drugs, and sex. It is the struggle of one new adult to battle her way back to freedom.

Warning: For those readers who do not care for this type of content, Book 8, Calla Portal Walker, is not required for the rest of the series. But for those who wish to understand the realities of her life and the trials she must overcome, it gives a unique perspective into her mind and her background.


If you would like to see some books, click on one of the following websites:

Calla Portal Walker - Digital and Print Digital and Print
Calla Portal Walker - On Amazon US Print
Calla Portal Walker - On Amazon US Digital
Calla Portal Walker - On Amazon UK Print
Calla Portal Walker - On Amazon UK Digital

Thud of the Axe

The twitters came from the darkness. Around every corner, beneath every hall, they were. Like flocks of birds, they swooped, listening, and then they attacked.

Bodies, those lying among the arena seating, vanished. Gods and goddesses disappeared as if they had never been. The sky blackened. The stars went out. All that remained was an eerie silence.

Creation’s voice wept in the shadows. Tears spilled upon the sandstone tiles, absorbed to be no more. Not a single living thing remained in the city of the gods. Creation cried out for a hero.

Eris, in her wisdom, knew better than to return. The goddess of discord had a plan. And though her peers that remained may not have agreed, she knew of only one way to save her kind. A mortal from a tiny planet in an insignificant solar system of a small blue world. A gem among the stars.


If you would like to see some books, click on one of the following websites:

Digital and Print
Thud of the Axe - On Amazon US Print
Thud of the Axe - On Amazon US Digital
Thud of the Axe - On Amazon UK Print
Thud of the Axe - On Amazon UK Digital


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