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Pixie Glow Stones

What's Your Tribe?

Created by elves, distributed by pixies, each person picks the pixie glow stone that appeals to them. Placed in the sunlight for 30 minutes, they will glow up to 8 hours in darkness.

Pixie Glow Stones were created in the forges of the Anu early in elven history. Later, as each of the groups of elves chose where they wished to live, the Anu divided into 7 tribes. They separated by location and into realms beyond our own. Some mixed with other races. Others stayed aloft. In the end, the secret of the magical stones' creation was lost to all but a very few.

Pixies, famous for their meddlesome tricks and curiosity, discovered many of the magical stone reserves. It is said that a pixie can find stones when no other race can. As the stones were discovered, deposits were placed into Queen Dorothy's, queen of the pixies in the forest of the woodland elves, vaults. The queen and her followers began to give them out to weary travelers to help them find their way through the forest. Thus, they have come to you.

What are Pixie Glow Stones?

Pixie Glow Stones come in many shapes and sizes. All are unique, handcrafted, and a wonder to behold. No two pieces are alike. The amulets are created by wire wrapping a Pixie Glow Stone in a tarnish-resistant colored copper wire for safe keeping. Add your own chain.

If the amulet is placed in sunlight for 30 minutes, these stones will glow up to eight hours in darkness. Pick the one that calls to you to determine which elven tribe you belong. Made by elves, distributed by pixies, we invite you to enjoy these little treasures for years to come.

Ljotr Tribe the Woodland Elves Xun Ove Series The Wall Outside James William Peercy

Seven Elven Root Tribes:
(check back on this website in the next two weeks to print out your tribal certificate.)

Anu (A-new) or Aki (A-kee): Known also as the father tribe, the Akis claim to be purest of all elves. Hesitant to mix with non-elven societies, these elves are rarely found around human population centers, and if so, only under the direst of situations. These elves are resistant to high heat, the forgers of many magical artifacts. Anu can see further with dark vision than most other elves.

What to look for: The pixie stones they use contain no fractures and form, somewhere on the glowing rock, a shape with four lines in the figure of a square.

Symbol: An X with two diagonal lines above the two arms.

Alda (Al-da): Known to dwell close to the ocean and waters, the Aldas have embraced the cultures of many other lands that have proven their worth as noble allies. As great warriors, their history is filled with exploits of courage. Their boats, though small, have safely traversed the oceans spreading goodwill to all societies. Needless to say, they are the most shunned by the Anu, who disagree with their practices.

What to look for: The stones they use tend to contain curves representing their love for the water and the waves.

Symbol: An equilateral triangle with the point pointing down.

Ari (Aree) or Arn (Ar-n): These elves dwell upon the tops of cliffs, upon mountains, and in caves where they may look down upon the land below. Because of where they live, they are elusive to see, but if one watches carefully, they may catch a glimpse of an elf watching from above as they follow winding paths. They are the watch guards of the elven tribes.

What to look for: The stones they wear will never have less than three definitive sides, a symbol of the great eagle who carefully watches as it flies above all others.

Symbol: An equilateral triangle with the point pointing up.

Bjorg (B-jorg): Similar to the Alda are the Bjorg elves. Unlike their brothers, they do not like to venture far from their own shores but are hospitable to all they meet. They see the entire world as a brotherhood/sisterhood though they rarely meddle in the affairs of others. And while they will tend you till you are healed, you will be ushered away to your own kind shortly thereafter. They choose to live in undiscovered valleys or those far from cities.

What to look for: The stones they wear tend to be thinner than the other elves, for they believe we are all the same beneath our exteriors.

Symbol: A curve meeting a line.

Asa (ah-sa): This tribe, known for their great wisdom, is renowned for their prophets and prophetesses. It is not unheard of for the Alda tribe to come humbly before them seeking knowledge about a new quest they wish to undertake. Even the Anu dare not speak ill of them, bowing in respect, though they will not stay long.

What to look for: The stones they wear tend to be more tooth-like, for it is said the gods have blessed them from the roots of their mouths with a vision of what may be. Indeed, many times they will answer questions and have no memory of speaking the words.

Symbol: A crisscross of 2 lines is its symbol.

Ljotr Tribe the Woodland Elves Xun Ove Series The Wall Outside James William Peercy

Ljotr (Yo-ter): Also known as woodland elves in the common tongue, the Ljotr prefer trees and green things. Because of this, long ago, they left the other tribes and journeyed to a more temperate climate. The redwoods of California, the grand evergreens of Washington State, and even the Amazon may allow you to catch a glimpse.

What to look for: The stones they wear tend to shine the brightest. The shape of the stone does not matter.

Symbol: A 'Y' is the Ljotr's symbol.

Bryn (Brin) or Agi (Agee): Also known as the dark elves, the Bryn dwell beneath the earth's surface. Like the Anu, their dark vision is exceptionally acute. They guard their dwellings savagely. And should one find themselves in their company, they must surely prove their worth. Only those of the stoutest hearts can find their way to the surface again.

What to look for: The stones they wear tend to be the dimmest of all glow stones, for in the darkened chambers where they dwell, it takes the merest light to distract their vision.

Symbol: 3 lines from a single point.


If you would like to see some books, click on one of the following websites:

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Without A Conscious... Amazon.com
Without A Conscious... Amazon.co.uk

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Without A Conscious... Amazon.com
Without A Conscious... Amazon.co.uk


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The Wall Outside - On Amazon US
The Wall Outside - On Amazon UK

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It's Not All Rockets and Ray Guns. Amazon.com
It's Not All Rockets and Ray Guns. Amazon.co.uk

Print Edition
It's Not All Rockets and Ray Guns Amazon.com
It's Not All Rockets and Ray Guns. Amazon.co.uk


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Partition Majik Bk2 Vol1 of 2- On Amazon US
Partition Majik Bk2 Vol1 of 2- On Amazon UK

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...Thought That's Thin... Amazon.com
...Thought That's Thin... Amazon.co.uk

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...Thought That's Thin... Amazon.com
...Thought That's Thin... Amazon.co.uk

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...Thought That's Thin...


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Twisted Fates Amazon.com
Twisted Fates Amazon.co.uk

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Twisted Fates Amazon.com
Twisted Fates Amazon.co.uk

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Coming Soon! Twisted Fates


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Circuits & Steam - On Amazon US
Circuits & Steam - On Amazon UK

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Partition Majik bk2 vol2 of 2 - On Amazon US
Partition Majik bk2 vol2 of 2 - On Amazon UK

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Tainted Soul Amazon.com
Tainted Soul Amazon.co.uk

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Tainted Soul Amazon.com
Tainted Soul Amazon.co.uk


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Within the Heart of Silence... Amazon.com
Within the Heart of Silence... Amazon.co.uk

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Within the Heart of Silence... Amazon.com
Within the Heart of Silence... Amazon.co.uk

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Technology Can Kill You Amazon.com
Technology Can Kill You Amazon.co.uk

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Technology Can Kill You - Amazon.com
Technology Can Kill You - Amazon.co.uk


Moon Half Full - On Amazon US
Moon Half Full - On Amazon UK

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More Than an AI - Amazon.com
More Than an AI - Amazon.co.uk

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More Than an AI - Amazon.com
More Than an AI - Amazon.co.uk


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The Vulkodlak Curse - On Amazon US
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Clan Ravensmith - On Amazon US
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When Gods Die - On Amazon US Print
When Gods Die - On Amazon US Digital
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When Gods Die - On Amazon UK Digital

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The Unicorn Twist - On Amazon US Print
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The Unicorn Twist - On Amazon UK Digital

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Thud of the Axe - On Amazon US Print
Thud of the Axe - On Amazon US Digital
Thud of the Axe - On Amazon UK Print
Thud of the Axe - On Amazon UK Digital

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Clan Ravensmith City of Taika - On Amazon US
Clan Ravensmith City of Taika - On Amazon UK

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Line by Lion
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